Complaints Against Freedom of Expression

The military has directly filed 24 complaints against 77 people while there are six complaints filed by third-party including police against nine people for criticizing the military as well.

Totally, there are 30 complaints against 86 people over the criticism of the military.

Other concerns for freedom of expression

Records of Athan were compiled and constructed after making various step by step verifications of data, which were scrupulously amassed from the reports of media, from networks, from the people whose right to freedom of expression was violated and ground data collectors.

Athan believes that there are still many more lawsuits which violate the freedom of expression in conflict areas, what we cannot make necessary verifications yet. For researchers and journalists, to look into and record the incidents of violations of human rights including freedom of expression in conflict zones particularly in the area where the civil war is waging, is still a predicament to conduct. It is one from of violating freedom of expression: such as barring the journalists from entering the conflict areas to investigate and cutting internet connection off at the meantime, and the consequences are that the evidence of human rights violations will fade away in thin air.

Athan is extremely concerned that situation of violating human rights and freedom of expression again the people who habitant in conflicts zones, is getting more intense day by day.

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